Consistent Quality, Delivered
Whether you represent a national grocery chain, or an online gift basket empire, you are constantly on the lookout for unique products that reflect your uncompromising commitment to quality.
Popsalot understands that you depend on the consistency of your suppliers to attract new customers and reward loyal regulars. Adding the right new products to your shelves can refresh the look and energy of your shelves, and keep your industry colleagues on their toes.
As consumers move consistently towards making wholesome choices across all categories, Popsalot's affordable, all-natural line of gourmet popcorn offers a refreshing take on indulgence: Whole Grain, Gluten Free, non-GMO, Trans Fats Free and No High Fructose Corn Syrup.
The Popsalot Edge
- Popsalot's gorgeous bags and vibrant labeling add distinctive visual interest to your shelf and convey affordable luxury to your customers.
- Re-sealable pouches satisfy continued demand for portion control.
- Slim upright design is versatile as a backdrop item for gift baskets and tiered displays.
- Bold, branded shippers with perforated knockout panels stack for an instant display solution in wide aisles, end-caps or standalone islands.
- Foil lined bags protect our popcorn from sunlight and moisture, resulting in a longer shelf life both in your store and in the customer's home.
Popsalot Product Specifications
Case Dimensions: Length 18" x Width 12" x Height 10"
Case Count 12| Size: 5oz/3oz | Resealable Bag | Shipping Weight: 5 lbs
Pallet Case Count: 72 | Shipping weight: 405 lbs | Freight Class: 150
Retail Package Dimensions: Length 7" x 3.6" Depth x Height 10"
Shelf Life: 9-12 Months
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